Contact us to schedule a private demo

Want to experience glasses-free 3D with our FRE3DOM monitor and learn more about how this technology can benefit your work?

fill out our form by adding your availability and the number of people present in the comments section.

Nothing compares to experiencing it firsthand! Come see for yourself!

Name and surname(Required)

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Call Stack
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For the first time, 3D with the naked eye without precision loss is offered to everyone.\r\n\r\nA demonstration is worth a thousand words, trying the <strong> FRE3DOM</'...], 'editeur_de_texte_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => '<!-- Start of Meetings Embed Script -->\r\n<div class="meetings-iframe-container" data-src="">\r\n<h2><span style="font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"><span class="yellow-text no-uppercase">AYE3D on tour! Come meet us!  </span></span></h2>\r\n<span style="font-size: 18px;">The <strong>FRE3DOM </strong>monitor materializes what a normal screen settles on showing. This new reality jumps out of the monitor and becomes a solid object you just want to'...], '_wpml_word_count' => [0 => '{"total":72,"to_translate":{"fr":72}}'], '_edit_lock' => [0 => '1665607950:5'], '_wpml_media_featured' => [0 => '0'], '_edit_last' => [0 => '5'], 'identifiant_de_la_section' => [0 => ''], '_last_translation_edit_mode' => [0 => 'native-editor'], '_image_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightImage'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_droite' => [0 => '0'], '_ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightImageParallax'], '_image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_rightColSecondaryImg'], 'opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_droite' => [0 => '1'], '_opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_rightColSecondaryImgOpacity'], '_image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImage'], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'wysiwyg'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => '0'], '_ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImageParallax'], '_image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImg'], 'espacement_haut_et_bas_de_la_section' => [0 => 'padding-top-bottom-normal'], 'opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => '1'], '_opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImgOpacity'], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'image'], 'alignement_vertical_des_contenus_de_colonne' => [0 => 'top'], '_wpml_media_duplicate' => [0 => '0'], 'couleur_de_fond_de_la_section' => [0 => '#ffffff'], 'couleur_de_fond_de_la_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => '#ffffff'], 'image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => '2164'], 'image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => ''], '_wpml_media_has_media' => [0 => '1']], $siteTextArray = class stdClass { public $headerBtnMoreText = 'More'; public $headerCloseMenuText = 'Close'; public $prefixTitleAttribute = 'Link to'; public $closeModal = 'Close'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleYellow = 'News and'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleWhite = 'medias'; public $articleHeaderTitle = 'News and medias'; public $articleLinkText = 'Read the news'; public $titleArticleShare = 'Share'; public $page404Text1 = 'Oups !'; public $page404Text2 = '404 error'; public $page404Text3 = 'Our apologies.'; public $page404Text4 = 'The page you wish to access is not or no longer available.'; public $page404linkText = 'Back to home page'; public $footerSocialMediaTitle = 'Follow us on'; public $poweredBy = 'Powered by ADG Communication Marketing' } ).../page.php:38
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For the first time, 3D with the naked eye without precision loss is offered to everyone.\r\n\r\nA demonstration is worth a thousand words, trying the <strong> FRE3DOM</'...], 'editeur_de_texte_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => '<!-- Start of Meetings Embed Script -->\r\n<div class="meetings-iframe-container" data-src="">\r\n<h2><span style="font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"><span class="yellow-text no-uppercase">AYE3D on tour! Come meet us!  </span></span></h2>\r\n<span style="font-size: 18px;">The <strong>FRE3DOM </strong>monitor materializes what a normal screen settles on showing. This new reality jumps out of the monitor and becomes a solid object you just want to'...], '_wpml_word_count' => [0 => '{"total":72,"to_translate":{"fr":72}}'], '_edit_lock' => [0 => '1665607950:5'], '_wpml_media_featured' => [0 => '0'], '_edit_last' => [0 => '5'], 'identifiant_de_la_section' => [0 => ''], '_last_translation_edit_mode' => [0 => 'native-editor'], '_image_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightImage'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_droite' => [0 => '0'], '_ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightImageParallax'], '_image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_rightColSecondaryImg'], 'opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_droite' => [0 => '1'], '_opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_rightColSecondaryImgOpacity'], '_image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImage'], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'wysiwyg'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => '0'], '_ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImageParallax'], '_image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImg'], 'espacement_haut_et_bas_de_la_section' => [0 => 'padding-top-bottom-normal'], 'opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => '1'], '_opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImgOpacity'], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'image'], 'alignement_vertical_des_contenus_de_colonne' => [0 => 'top'], '_wpml_media_duplicate' => [0 => '0'], 'couleur_de_fond_de_la_section' => [0 => '#ffffff'], 'couleur_de_fond_de_la_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => '#ffffff'], 'image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => '2164'], 'image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => ''], '_wpml_media_has_media' => [0 => '1']], $sectionHtmlId = '', $siteTextArray = class stdClass { public $headerBtnMoreText = 'More'; public $headerCloseMenuText = 'Close'; public $prefixTitleAttribute = 'Link to'; public $closeModal = 'Close'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleYellow = 'News and'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleWhite = 'medias'; public $articleHeaderTitle = 'News and medias'; public $articleLinkText = 'Read the news'; public $titleArticleShare = 'Share'; public $page404Text1 = 'Oups !'; public $page404Text2 = '404 error'; public $page404Text3 = 'Our apologies.'; public $page404Text4 = 'The page you wish to access is not or no longer available.'; public $page404linkText = 'Back to home page'; public $footerSocialMediaTitle = 'Follow us on'; public $poweredBy = 'Powered by ADG Communication Marketing' } ).../controller.php:40
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AYE3D on tour! Come meet us!  

The FRE3DOM monitor materializes what a normal screen settles on showing. This new reality jumps out of the monitor and becomes a solid object you just want to touch.

With every demonstration, the reactions speak for themselves.

“We realize, after using FRE3DOM, how much we can’t see anything on our other equipment even if we thought we could see well in 3D!”

Come experience it for yourself at one of these following events:

October 17-19: AGMQ Congress , Drummondville
November 18: Journée-Conférence UDS, Longueuil
November 24: MPA, Montréal 

Our next dates will be updated soon.