Proud to offer
the best
3D ExperiencE

In 1994, Jean-Étienne Gaudreau, electrical and electronics engineering graduate from the Université de Sherbrooke, recreated a 3D image by juxtaposing two LCD screens and filed a patent for his discovery the same year.  Even though his technology was one of the best on the market, it required wearing polarized glasses.  While wanting to maintain high standards of 3D image quality, Jean-Étienne worked several years to create a glasses-free 3D screen technology.

« AYE3D teams have been developing glasses-free 3D visualization since 2019 and now, our commitment is starting to pay off.  AYE3D is the only company in the world to offer glasses-free 3D visualization at such high resolution. »
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Call Stack
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Our monitor adjusts to the position of your eyes, which allows you to see 3D images and videos without usin'...], '_edit_lock' => [0 => '1650054961:4'], '_edit_last' => [0 => '4'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_droite' => [0 => '0'], 'image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => '1457'], 'image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => ''], 'image_de_fond_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => ''], 'editeur_de_texte_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => '<h2><span class="yellow-text">OUR</span>\r\nmission</h2>\r\nOur mission is to create a realistic and immersive 3D experience regardless of the environmental constraints. Our monitor adjusts to the position of your eyes, which allows you to see 3D images and videos without using glasses.\r\n\r\nThanks to our know-how, 3D visualization becomes pleasant and fun. Resolution is what makes the FRE3DOM monitor stand out from other tools on the market. The content displayed is remarkably realistic, with unmatched viewing q'...], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'image'], '_image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImage'], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'wysiwyg'], '_editeur_de_texte_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightWysiwyg'], '_ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImageParallax'], '_image_de_fond_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightBgImg'], '_image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImg'], 'opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => '1'], '_opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImgOpacity'], '_wpml_media_has_media' => [0 => '1'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => '0']], $siteTextArray = class stdClass { public $headerBtnMoreText = 'More'; public $headerCloseMenuText = 'Close'; public $prefixTitleAttribute = 'Link to'; public $closeModal = 'Close'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleYellow = 'News and'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleWhite = 'medias'; public $articleHeaderTitle = 'News and medias'; public $articleLinkText = 'Read the news'; public $titleArticleShare = 'Share'; public $page404Text1 = 'Oups !'; public $page404Text2 = '404 error'; public $page404Text3 = 'Our apologies.'; public $page404Text4 = 'The page you wish to access is not or no longer available.'; public $page404linkText = 'Back to home page'; public $footerSocialMediaTitle = 'Follow us on'; public $poweredBy = 'Powered by ADG Communication Marketing' } ).../page.php:38
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Our monitor adjusts to the position of your eyes, which allows you to see 3D images and videos without usin'...], '_edit_lock' => [0 => '1650054961:4'], '_edit_last' => [0 => '4'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_droite' => [0 => '0'], 'image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => '1457'], 'image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => ''], 'image_de_fond_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => ''], 'editeur_de_texte_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => '<h2><span class="yellow-text">OUR</span>\r\nmission</h2>\r\nOur mission is to create a realistic and immersive 3D experience regardless of the environmental constraints. Our monitor adjusts to the position of your eyes, which allows you to see 3D images and videos without using glasses.\r\n\r\nThanks to our know-how, 3D visualization becomes pleasant and fun. Resolution is what makes the FRE3DOM monitor stand out from other tools on the market. The content displayed is remarkably realistic, with unmatched viewing q'...], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'image'], '_image_colonne_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImage'], 'type_de_contenu_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'wysiwyg'], '_editeur_de_texte_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightWysiwyg'], '_ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionLeftImageParallax'], '_image_de_fond_colonne_de_droite' => [0 => 'field_columnsSectionRightBgImg'], '_image_par_dessus_l_image_principale_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImg'], 'opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => '1'], '_opacite_de_limage_secondaire_de_gauche' => [0 => 'field_LeftColSecondaryImgOpacity'], '_wpml_media_has_media' => [0 => '1'], 'ajouter_un_effet_parallax_sur_limage_de_gauche' => [0 => '0']], $sectionHtmlId = '', $siteTextArray = class stdClass { public $headerBtnMoreText = 'More'; public $headerCloseMenuText = 'Close'; public $prefixTitleAttribute = 'Link to'; public $closeModal = 'Close'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleYellow = 'News and'; public $allArticleHeaderTitleWhite = 'medias'; public $articleHeaderTitle = 'News and medias'; public $articleLinkText = 'Read the news'; public $titleArticleShare = 'Share'; public $page404Text1 = 'Oups !'; public $page404Text2 = '404 error'; public $page404Text3 = 'Our apologies.'; public $page404Text4 = 'The page you wish to access is not or no longer available.'; public $page404linkText = 'Back to home page'; public $footerSocialMediaTitle = 'Follow us on'; public $poweredBy = 'Powered by ADG Communication Marketing' } ).../controller.php:40
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Our mission is to create a realistic and immersive 3D experience regardless of the environmental constraints. Our monitor adjusts to the position of your eyes, which allows you to see 3D images and videos without using glasses.

Thanks to our know-how, 3D visualization becomes pleasant and fun. Resolution is what makes the FRE3DOM monitor stand out from other tools on the market. The content displayed is remarkably realistic, with unmatched viewing quality.